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Wednesday, July 10th

3:30-7:00 PST

Lighthouse Cafe

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Labs2Zero: Decarbonizing the World's Labs

2023 set records as the hottest year in modern history, underscoring the urgent need for climate action. In response to the considerable emissions generated by laboratories, I2SL launched the Labs2Zero initiative in 2022. This initiative aims to accelerate the decarbonization of the world’s laboratory facilities.

This presentation will introduce the comprehensive Labs2Zero program, whose components will include the Energy and Emissions Performance Scorecard and an automated report generator designed to propose strategies for reducing energy usage and carbon emissions in both new and existing lab buildings. The program will also offer score certification as well as training and accreditation.

With the support of over 30 sponsors and the collaboration of more than 100 Technical Advisory Council volunteers, I2SL has begun to roll out these program features. A pilot energy score was released last fall, and several new tools were released in May 2024. These include a location-based operational emissions score and a first-of-its-kind tool for benchmarking embodied carbon in laboratory buildings. We will describe these new features in detail, and then look ahead to the future of the program. 

About the Speaker:

Alison Farmer is a former research astrophysicist who is dedicated to saving our home planet by bringing energy efficiency and decarbonization to lab buildings. Alison has worked in both consulting and lab owner's roles and serves as Secretary of the I2SL Board of Directors and Program Director of the Labs2Zero program. She is a Past President of the Northern California chapter, was a 2018 recipient of the I2SL Go Beyond Award, and has led I2SL’s laboratory benchmarking efforts since 2014. Alison is a graduate of the University of Cambridge in England and the California Institute of Technology in the US.